Badly Annotated Readers Society
Hello hello! Welcome to the Badly Annotated Readers Society, a bookish podcast where two book besties yap about all things literature and annotation in a cozy, chaotic, judgement-free space.
Buckle up and bring your most creative energy and unhinged reading practices with you. Be you, be weird, and annotate badly with reckless abandon.
Socials & Such:
Instagram: @badlyannotatedpod
Hannah: @thefriendlylibrarygoblin
Jess: @annotations.books
YouTube: @badlyannotatedpod
Email: badlyannotatedpod@gmail.com
Web Link: https://badlyannotatedreaderssociety.buzzsprout.com
Podcasting since 2024 • 25 episodes
Badly Annotated Readers Society
Latest Episodes
Bonus: A Recent Reads Chat Over Tea
Dearest listeners, in lieu of a requested reads episode this past month please accept this bonus episode! This evening is simple: a nice chat over tea between friends about our most recent reads (sorry about the raptors). Bring your hot beverag...

Ep. 22 - The Galentine's Guide to Unhinged Romance ft. Smuts After Dark
Happy (belated) Galentine's Day everyone! We are very excited to bring you this episode with something of an announcement: WE HAVE FRIENDS!! That's right, this week we are joined by the lovely ladies from the Smuts After Dark podcast, Chey and ...
Episode 22

Ep. 21 - Genre Swap: Academically Unethical Gods vs. the Velvet Blue Man Group
Come one, come all! It's another genre swap! This time we both jumped headfirst into science fiction, except we went in ~very~ different directions with our picks. Hannah followed two rather arrogant and powerful "heroes" in their philosophical...
Episode 21

Requested Reads I: The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Hello and welcome to the first ~official~ Badly Annotated Requested Reads bonus episode! This month we take a close look at The Yellow Wallpaper, a short story originally published in 1892. This harrowing tale has a multitude of layers that def...

Ep. 20 - Classics To Be: Books We'll Still be Hearing About at 80
Hello and welcome back to the Badly Annotated Readers Society! We've looked at classics. We've looked at gothic literature. We've analyzed poetry through the ages, and now we present to you our list of books that we think will become the next c...
Episode 20

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