


Hey, I'm Hannah! As a reader, I consume books voraciously in any form I can get my hands on, and there is never a time that I do not have some form of a book on my person. Generally, I read during whatever blessed, uninterrupted time the universe decides to grace me with.. or at 4 am. My go-to genres are fantasy, mystery, and romance, with a sprinkle of historical fiction.

When I'm not haunting my local bookstores and libraries, I'm probably clacking away at my typewriter creating fictitious chaos. Other hobbies include but are not limited to gardening, board-gaming, beach-sitting, knitting, painting, cafe-visiting, and nature-walking.



hey / hi / hello! I'm Jess! My love of reading began when I was young, then we had a falling out during my late teen years, but rekindled that flame when I discovered annotating! It gives my brain something else to do while I enjoy the story, and I have had at least one book on the go at any given time ever since. 

Genre wise, I lean more towards dystopian, thrillers, classics, contemporary works, and/or stories about relationships that are NOT considered romance (specific, I know). Beyond reading, I also like to crochet and play cozy video games!